Inter Expo Center
Guest events / Exhibitions
Inter Expo Center
18.02 - 21.02.2025
EXPOMEBELInternational exhibition for furniture, interior design and home accessories
Inter Expo Center and Bulgarian Branch Chamber of Woodworking and Furniture Industry (BBCWFI)
Inter Expo Center
26.03 - 29.03.2025
ARCHITECTURAL BUILDING WEEKInternational business exhibition for energy efficient, ecological and functional construction
Inter Expo Center
26.03 - 29.03.2025
GREEN ENERGYExhibition for energy efficiency and renewable energy, waste management and recycling, smart cities
Inter Expo Center
Inter Expo Center
29.05 - 31.05.2025
BULDENTALInternational exhibition for dental equipment, technics, materials, consumables
Inter Expo Center
29.05 - 31.05.2025
DERMA & AESTHETICSInternational exhibition for dermatological and aesthetic medicine
Inter Expo Center
30.09 - 03.10.2025
MACHTECH & INNOTECH EXPOInternational exhibition for machinery and technologies in metalworking industry
Inter Expo Center
30.09 - 03.10.2025
INTER DRONE EXPOAir mobility, smart cities, electromobility, digitalization, cybersecurity & safety
Inter Expo Center
Inter Expo Center and Bulgarian branch chamber of woodworking and furniture industry
12.11 - 15.11.2025
INTERFOOD & DRINKFood and drinks, organic products, additives, machines and technologies
Inter Expo Center
12.11 - 15.11.2025
MEATMANIAMeat and meat products, additives and packaging, machines and technologies
Association of Meat Processors in Bulgaria, Inter Expo Center
National Branch Union of Bakers and Confectioners, Inter Expo Center
12.11 - 15.11.2025
DAIRY EXPO SOFIAMilk and dairy products, additives, packaging, laboratory equipment and machines
Inter Expo Center and Association ‘‘Bulgarian traditional dairy products‘‘